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About us

Holy Trinity Church, Crockham Hill is part of the Church of England, which in turn is part of the world-wide 'Anglican Communion'. In England the churches which are part of the Church of England are divided into geographical areas known as dioceses. Crockham Hill is in the Diocese of Rochester which is presided over by the Bishop of Rochester. The clergy in any particular Church are appointed by the Diocese.


Crockham Hill has a reputation for being a very friendly and hospitable village. Everyone gets a warm welcome. The church is part of a great community - caring and social; it enjoys strong financial support from the village and provides well-organised pastoral visiting for new residents, the sick and frail. There is good outreach and an enthusiastic congregation prepared to adapt. There has historically been a close and beneficial association with Edenbridge church. We have high musical standards, a very competent adult choir for festivals and special services, and a first class organist, who also runs a thriving secular children’s choir.

Message from the Church

Lorraine Ashley & Ros Ellis


It seems such a long time since Reverend Ali retired but when we look back, it has in fact, only been five months. It just feels much longer.


We have been very fortunate to have a great team of people working together, to ensure we have been able to keep the church running smoothly with a regular pattern of services highlighted by beautiful music. Visiting clergy regularly comment on the vibrancy and warmth of welcome within the church, all saying they would be happy to return.


What does the future hold for Holy Trinity? 

It has been firmly indicated that we cannot remain as a stand-alone church and will therefore need to make a formal link with another local parish.  It has been suggested that this link could be made with Westerham and as such we have been talking to their PCC and we have agreed to make tentative steps towards this.


Rev Dave Fox-Branch is the priest in charge at Westerham and he and his team are very supportive of this move and look forward to working closely with us, especially in terms of our links with Edenbridge.  There would be a part time clergy member added to the team to ensure Holy Trinity is able to maintain its own pattern of regular worship, whilst looking for ways of working together to further develop both churches. 


We are in the early stages of negotiation and working closely with our Archdeacon to ensure the best possible outcome for Holy Trinity.


We would like to thank everyone for their support and we will keep you informed of our progress as we move forward.

Laura Ashley.jpg

We like to think we are a welcoming community; open to all kinds of people, whatever their background. So if you are enquiring about Christianity, thinking about a return to church life after an absence, or simply visiting from a Christian community somewhere else, we would love to welcome you.

          Lorraine Ashley                         Ros Ellis

                               Our church Wardens

We are trying to form a larger and younger membership by changing the style and appeal of worship and activities in a way which will attract families with children. We hope this will result in the Church playing a more central role in the life of our village.
Our congregation gathers for the Eucharist at either 8.00 or 10.00am every Sunday. We have a Family Service on the First Sunday of each month, and regular Messy Church services every 6 - 8 weeks. (see Messy Church) We are all exploring the Christian faith; some what it might mean to them, as they prepare for marriage, or to have their children baptised.


Apart from the weekly Sunday service, Holy Trinity holds a range of differing services. During Holy week there is an 8.00pm Maundy Thursday service, a children’s Good Friday drama/service, and a 2.00pm Last Hour service, an 8.00am Easter Sunday Holy communion , and an 10.00am Festal Eucharist.


During the Christmas season there is a carol service, a Christingle service with a congregation of 240, a Midnight Mass, 8.00am Communion, and a 10.00am Family service. There are major services for Mothering Sunday and Remembrance Sunday.

Graham Dinnage, GTCL, LTCL, LGSM, Organist and professional singer

(Click here for more information about music in church)

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