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Music in church


Organist and Musical Director:

Graham Dinnage GTCL, LTCL, LGSM

Graham plays the organ on most Sundays (and all festivals) in the church year.  He is responsible for directing the choir, and choosing the hymns in partnership with the vicar. He is also a professional singer (bass baritone) and teaches music at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.


There is no choir at regular Sunday services, but an adult choir comes together to sing for festivals and special services.  The choir numbers between 15 and 20+ and is made up almost entirely of local singers, with some solo-quality voices in all parts.  The majority of the choir are members of the regular congregation. The aim is to be inclusive and encourage people of all abilities to be part of the choir.  To this end, The Musical Director has set up a choir website which contains music and sound files to help the less experienced sight-readers to learn their music.  He believes that music can and should form a key part in enhancing the quality of worship.


We hope to continue to develop the choir and to draw in new members and to develop, where possible and appropriate, the participation of children in aspects of some services.


In an effort to encourage the congregation to join in singing the music of the Church, we now hold occasional, informal practices before services, and at other times, to help with learning new hymns and other music, and to broaden generally the range of music used within our worship. The first of these took place tn November 2014 'Sing a new Song', when Graham put us through our paces and afterwards rewarded us with a glass of wine. Other such events have followed and have been well attended.



Graham Dinnage has composed new music for our Sunday Eucharist services. This consists of settings of the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei which have been in regular use for some time. Click the arrow-heads below to listen to the these settings. If you would like to follow the sheet music while listening, click also on the buttons to the right:

Kyrie - Lord have mercy
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Gloria - Glory to God in the highest
00:00 / 00:00
Sanctus - Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
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Agnus Dei - Jesus, Lamb of God
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The present organ​ (electronic, and of excellent sound quality) was made by Copeman Hart Ltd and installed in 2001 following a successful appeal which inspired the generosity of local residents and corporate donors.


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