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Weddings, Marriage Blessings and Renewal of Vows

Today more than a quarter of all marriages in England take place before God in the traditional setting of a Church of England church. You're welcome to marry in church whatever your beliefs, whether or not you are baptised and whether or not you go to church. If you live in the parish or have a specific connection with the church you can get married at Holy Trinity. Do get in touch to see if you can have your wedding here; we really do want to say YES!


For more information click here to visit the Weddings page on the Church of England website.


However, if you choose not to be married in church it is still possible to have a service of Blessing, either on the same day as your marriage or at a later date.


If you have been married for a long time you may like to have a service to renew your vows for a special anniversary.


Whatever your situation the next step is to Call the Vicar!

Let the Revd Ali Cooper (01732 669447) know  your good news as soon as you can, and the three of you can fix a time to discuss what happens next.

Space to think
Before your wedding, your Vicar will want to meet with you several times and  may invite you to an event to help prepare you for married life together. It’s a no-obligation invitation, but one that many couples appreciate. It provides time and space to think about the vows and the difference they will make. 


Banns are announcements in church of your intention to marry and a chance for anyone to put forward a reason why the marriage may not lawfully take place. On these occasions, everyone in your church will also be praying for you. It can be very special and moving, so go along if you can.



Near your wedding day, perhaps a day or two before, you will usually have the opportunity to rehearse the ceremony with those who are involved.



The Big Day
Your Vicar will do all she can to make the day a personal, meaningful and spiritual experience for you and your guests.



First Anniversary and beyond
Holy Trinity will always be there for you throughout your marriage if you need it. Even if this is not the place where you married, we would be delighted to mark your first anniversary by praying for you both. All you have to do is ask.

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