Suggestions from our Vicar

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests"
Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 18
Prayer is one of the greatest gifts that God gives to us, and one of the greatest privileges too. There is great joy in coming into God's presence as we pray in silence or with words knowing that as our loving heavenly Father he hears us as we speak to him, and delights in our company as we sit with him.
We meet weekly in the Church on a Tuesday at 9.15am for Morning Prayer and on a Wednesday at 5.00pm for Evening Prayer and all are very welcome to join us. We follow Common Worship Daily Prayer and include a time of intercession when we can bring our petition to God. Once a term we meet in the Primary School for Morning Prayer and details can be found in the monthly Parish Newsletter, which may be accesses from the home page or on the weekly notice sheet, which may be accessed from the 'sevices and prayer' link on the home page.
Many of us feel very saddened and confused by the unfolding events in our world. Can I urge you as to pray for peace and for wisdom for those with the authority to make it happen? We will include prayers for peace each week during Evening prayer on a Wednesday.
From time to time specific prayers needs will be posted here. You may also like to follow the link to the Church of England website for more ideas.